Why quit smoking?

Quitting smoking isnā€™t easy, but giving up greatly improves your own health as well as the health of those around you. Smoking causes extensive damage to your body and your second hand smoke can also cause problems for everybody else too. Not only does smoking damage your fertility, skin, teeth and energy levels it also makes a huge dent in your finances too!

Just imagine your future without cigarettes ā€“ feeling great and having that extra money in your pocket. Stopping smoking can make a drastic improvement to your lifestyle and health in ways you might not expect. Once you stop smoking, youā€™ll experience immediate benefits as well as long-term improvements to your overall health.

What Happens To Your Body When You Quit Smoking?

20 Minutes

Blood pressure and pulse rate return to normal.

8 Hours

Nicotine and carbon monoxideĀ levels in blood reduce by half,Ā oxygen levelsĀ return to normal.

24 Hours

Carbon monoxide is eliminated from the body.Ā Lungs start to clear out mucus and other smoking debris.

48 Hours

There is no nicotine in your body.Ā Ability to smell and taste is greatly improved.

72 Hours

Breathing becomes easier. Bronchial tubes begin to relax andĀ energy levels increase.

2 – 12 Weeks

Your circulation improves.

3 – 9 Months

Coughs, wheezing and breathing problems improve asĀ lung function increases by up to 10%.

5 Years

Risk of heart attack falls to about half compared to a person who is still smoking.

10 Years

Risk of lung cancer falls to half that of a smoker. Risk of heart attack falls toĀ the same as one who has never smoked.

How Much Do You Spend on Smoking?

You can calculate how much money you spend on cigarettes each month by entering the cost of your preferred packet of cigarettes and the number you smoke each week.Ā 

Monthly Cost of SmokingĀ£